Tuesday 9 October 2012


Last week a friend introduced me to two fantastic blogs which got me thinking maybe I should start my own blog again.  I used to have one years ago on LiveJournal so not really a proper blog more just an outlet for rants and keeping in touch with friends (it seems the days of picking up the phone for a blether are long gone and I've fallen into that trap as well).  I have no idea what I'll post here.  I enjoy baking so maybe I'll share some recipes.  I'm also a green witch so expect some info about herbs and witchcraft.  We'll just have to see where this goes :)  I will warn you that my grammar is appalling but since I'm not writing a novel then who cares.  My blog name comes from a website run by a lady I got chatting too on the internet about 15 years ago.  She was an older lady who was very spiritual and despite the fact I only knew her online and not in real life she had quite an influence on me.  Unfortunately she moved country and had limited internet access at that time so we lost touch.

Anyway welcome to my blog :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the new blog, look forward to reading your postings!
